Procedure for concluding a car rental agreement
Documents can be partially issued through the companys website, it will greatly facilitate and speed up the process of their registration.
The documents you will need for registration:
1. The passport;
2. Driving license.
3. Additional document - one of three to choose from:
pension insurance certificate
international passport
Documents you must receive after signing a car rental agreement:
1. Lease agreement - the original with the landlords stamp;
2. The act of reception - transfer of the car;
3. Power of Attorney for driving;
4. If you leave the amount of the deposit in cash, it must be indicated in the contract. When you return the car you will return your bills.
You should also receive the following documents for the car:
1. Certificate of registration of the vehicle;
2. Pass for technical inspection;
3. Certificate of compulsory insurance of civil liability;
4. Key ring alarm.
You may be given samples of certificates that will need to be filled in by the traffic police (police) in the event of any incidents. The traffic police officers (police) they have, but in order to have an idea of what the company requires in case of accidents, you can ask the form of these certificates. Most companies require a credit card to calculate.
The deposit is also left on the card (the necessary amount is "frozen" in the account, and until you hand over the car this amount you can not use). Some companies accept cash, but, as a rule, this applies to small amounts. The amount of the franchise in most companies can be set aside in cash or on a card.
The car rental contract should include:
1. Your personal data;
2. The car you are renting (identification number, engine number and state registration number);
3. the term of the lease; form of payment;
4. the rights of the lessee and the lessor;
5. information on the granted discounts;
6. information on types of car insurance (driver and passengers);
7. information on mileage limitation;
8. the territory on which you will operate the car;
9. additional services that you will use;
10. List of uninsured parts for which you are responsible.
In some companies, the contract specifies the tariff scale, so that it is clear on the basis of what you are paying a certain amount of money, information about the additional services that are available. Some companies in the contract have a line that in case of theft the insurance company can present the account to the lessee for a certain percentage of the cost of the car. Carefully read the contract!
Pay attention to the rental period and the exact time, in which you need to return the car, find out the acceptable delay in the delivery of the car. In general, rental companies allow a delay of one hour (some two). If you have any unexpected problems and can not return the car at the appointed time, call the company and warn about it. Otherwise, three-hour delay in the return of the car you will have to pay as for the next day.
In the act of acceptance and transfer, the date, time when the car is transferred, your personal data, the car chart, the list of uninsured parts are indicated, so that you check their availability, a list of the damages the car has. Your task is to find a correspondence between the damages described on paper and the actual ones. After signing the act of transfer and acceptance, you pay and receive documents. All documents that you receive during registration and documents for the car must be issued in the original.
Having issued the documents, you can start the procedure of taking the car into service.
Acceptance of a car from a car rental company
When you receive a car, you must show the defects that are present in it, which are fixed in a special document (Acceptance Certificate, rental sheet, etc.) that you receive when you issue the documents. Verify that they match the description, and in the event that something is not indicated or indicated unnecessary, be sure to state it. The same procedure occurs when you receive a car outside the rental point. When you receive a car outside the rental office, payment is usually made by credit card.
Pay attention to the peculiarities of the operation of the rented car.
• Identify the purpose of pens, buttons, etc. - it is better to rent a car with the exploitation of which you are familiar.
• Ask the brand of fuel. Maybe a diesel car is installed on the car. And at the gas station you will have a big surprise!
• Do not be afraid to make a note of damage. When returning for each not taken into the act of acceptance-delivery (rolling sheet), the damage will have to be answered before the car rental company.
Operation of a rented car
The operation of a rented car does not differ much from the operation of its own. There is one important difference: a rented car you do not need to repair, moreover, for self-repair car with you can take a fine. In case of any breakdowns, you just need to call the company and to get there to reach the rental office. To replace the wheel or eliminate minor defects, most serious companies can send their mechanic to the place of your stay.
Just like in your own car, you need to monitor the safety of items that can not be insured. For example, a radio tape recorder, a jack, a cigarette lighter, documents for the car, first-aid kit, keys. If they are lost or damaged, you will have to pay a fine. The amount of the penalty does not depend on the type of insurance, it is not included in the franchise. In the lease agreement, the list of these things and the amount of the fine are indicated.
Extend the rental period of the car, many companies can be on the phone, but it is better to warn about it in advance, so that you will have the car that you took.
For the period of rent you are given a car with a certain amount of fuel, most often it is a full tank, but you must definitely specify this issue when accepting the car. The amount of gasoline with which the car is provided should appear in the lease agreement. With the same amount of gasoline you need to return the car, otherwise you will have to pay it at a higher price (usually about 30 rubles per liter).
At long-term rent of the car (for the term of more than 1 month) you, probably, should arrive to the point of hire for carrying out of scheduled maintenance of the car. For this period (if the service will last more than 1 day) you must provide a car of this class for replacement.
In the company, you must tell what to do in the event of an accident, theft, theft, hooliganism and give a memo with a detailed description of your actions.
In case of an accident you need:
1. Immediately call representatives of the traffic police (police);
2. Try not to remove the car from the scene of the accident and do not move objects related to the accident before the arrival of the traffic police inspector;
3. If there is a traffic jam on the road and the traffic along the route becomes impossible, draw up a road accident witnesses and road accident witnesses for witnesses, indicating the location of the machines at the scene of the accident;
* If possible, then take a few photos from the scene of the accident, which would be seen the situation of cars caught in an accident.
4. Record the data of the second participant of the accident (name, address, phone, stamp, state number, car color;)
5. Record witnesses of road accidents;
6. Obtain a copy of the protocol with a list of damaged property;
7. Obtain a certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate under Form No. 31 (sometimes representatives of a car rental company receive this information);
8. Within the period stipulated in the contract, notify the Lessor about the incident, provide the original DPS certificate under Form No. 31 and provide the vehicle for inspection of the rental company
For theft of parts and components, as well as for causing damage to the car by actions of third parties:
• Immediately report to the ATS (police) on the territory of which the incident occurred and compile a protocol together with the police officer (usually a local district police) with a detailed list of damages caused to the vehicle or stolen parts and components
• Notify within the terms stipulated by the Lessors agreement (as a rule, immediately);
• Within the period stipulated by the agreement, obtain from the Lessor a request from the insurance company to the ATS for the preparation of certificate No. 3;
• Within the period stipulated by the contract, provide the Lessor with a car for inspection and a certificate from the Department of Internal Affairs in the form No.3.
In case of theft or theft of the car:
• Immediately declare to the ATS and receive a number document confirming the registration of this incident in the ATS journal;
• immediately notify Lessor and provide a document confirming the registration of this incident;
• immediately provide the Lessor with a certificate of registration of the vehicle and a set of keys from cars;
• within the period of the contract (usually about 15 days) to receive and provide the Lessor with a document on the initiation of a criminal investigation into theft or theft of the car.
Please note that even in the event of minor damage to the car, you must inform the ATS and make a report, otherwise you will have to pay for the damage yourself or their value will be deducted from the deductible amount (depending on the type of insurance chosen by you).
When operating the vehicle, observe the rules stated in the contract. For example, if in the contract you have declared a certain territorial area of operation of a rented car, then you should not leave it. Also, do not exceed the indicated mileage limit.
After the rental period has expired, you need to surrender the car company, while you need to consider some points, knowledge of which will save you from problems that may arise when returning the car to the landlord.
Return of the car to the landlord.
When returning the car to the landlord, it will be checked for compliance with the actual damage recorded earlier. The mechanic of the company will check its technical condition and the existing damages. The detected damage will be fixed in a special application, which will indicate the amount you need to pay (damage, loss of uninsured parts, additional services that you used).
When returning the car, make sure that it contains the amount of gasoline you rented, otherwise you will have to pay for gasoline at a price much higher than usual (usually around 30 rubles per liter). Also the case is with the cleanliness of the car and its interior: in most car rental companies you will have to pay for a car wash.
Please note that the rental contract specifies the exact time in which you need to return the car, try to return it on time, because for 2-3 hours delay you will be paid already as for the next day (especially when renting a car abroad). In general, rental companies allow a delay for an hour (some two), please specify this when processing the documents. If you have any unexpected problems and can not return the car at the appointed time, call the company and warn.
I grant my consent to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "PD") provided for OOO "AvtoMax" (OGRN: 1073444012377, legal address: 400048, Volgograd, Zemlyachki Str., 15 "B"), hereinafter referred to as the "Company", on transfer of my personal data (phone number, registration address, address of residence, date and place of birth, number and a series of passports, a surname, a name, a patronymic, date of delivery of the passport, the name of the body that issued the passport, the code division) in order to obtain services for rental (lease) of the car. "Company" has the right to process PD, incl. systematize, accumulate, store, update (update, modify), distribute (including the transfer of the 3rd persons), depersonalize, block, destroy, process for the purpose of checking the trustworthiness of the "Client", and To process the PD with or without the use of automation tools (manual processing). The consent is valid until the expiry of 5 years after the termination of all contracts, concluded with the "Company" (in case of non-inclusion of the contract - within 5 years) with prolongation for every following 5 years if it is not withdrawn.
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